2012. március 20., kedd

A PHP is GitHub-ra váltott ...

A PHP is GitHub-ra váltott ...

Originally shared by PHP Developers

PHP News

The migration of the PHP source code from Subversion to Git is complete. You can clone or fork the source from our GitHub mirror (https://github.com/php/php-src), and we also now support pull requests made via GitHub. The source is also available via git.php.net, and full instructions on cloning the php-src tree can be found at php.net/git.

One immediate benefit is that future PHP release tags will be signed by the PHP development team. We will be releasing GPG keys for verification purposes in the next few days.

More information on the migration and the new workflow can be found at the Moving to Git FAQ on the PHP Wiki.(https://wiki.php.net/vcs/gitfaq)

Please note that the PHP manual, including translations, continues to be hosted in Subversion for the time being and will be migrated to Git at a later date.

Many thanks to David Soria Parra for his hard work on making the conversion to Git a reality, and to Alexander Moskaliov, Florian Anderiasch and Johannes Schlüter for their work on the scripts required to support the conversion. Let the forking begin!
Original: http://www.php.net/archive/2012.php#id2012-03-20-1

#php #git #github

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