Kicsit kifakadt a csóka ... (talán jogos is, bár azért szerintem annyira nem durva ez)
Originally shared by Robert Scoble
The worst social launch ever. WTF were you thinking Google?
Hey, Vic Gundotra the way you rolled out the new Google+ events feature was -- by far -- the worst social launch ever.
Not only did it spam the crap out of my notifications and my Google+ events page but it added events -- hundreds of them -- onto my calendar.
My calendar is MINE. Not yours. You should NEVER put anything on it that I don't approve of.
It's amazing how badly handled this was and how spammy Google has gotten.
Is this how you are going to beat Facebook? Really?
I have turned down every event and they are still on my calendar so now I have to delete them one-by-one.
This is -- by far -- the lamest thing I've ever seen Google do.
Joseph Smarr how can you live with yourself?
By the way, I've been asking for noise controls since day one and you guys simply aren't getting it. Amazingly bad service here folks.
It's amazing how you turn a feature that might have been a real competitive advantage to Facebook into one that just simply disgusts me.
UPDATE: Oh, Wil Wheaton freaked out about this too: https://plus.google.com/u/0/108176814619778619437/posts/BC8NZR8bTAW Really lame x 1,500.
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