2012. augusztus 15., szerda

r50 (391,250 KB, gzip: 96,143 KB)

r50 (391,250 KB, gzip: 96,143 KB)

* Experimenting with SoftwareRenderer. (mrdoob and rygorous)
* Improved rotation conversion routines. (WestLangley)
* Moved DOMRenderer and SVGRenderer out of common build. (mrdoob)
* Improvements to Morph targets. (alteredq and gero3)
* Added .deallocateMaterial method to WebGLRenderer. (alteredq)
* Added .worldToLocal and .localToWorld methods to Object3D. (zz85 and WestLangley)
* Added ConvexGeometry. (qiao)
* Added node.js build system. (gero3)
* Improvements to Blender exporter. (timbot and alteredq)
* Added uvs and vertex colors support to ImmediateRenderObjects. (alteredq)
* Started implementing LoadingMonitor and EventTarget in loaders. (mrdoob)
* Added Path.ellipse. (linzhp)
* Added near and far properties to Ray. (niklassa)
* Added OrbitControls. (qiao, mrdoob and alteredq)
* Completed some more documentation pages. (mrdoob, phenomnomnominal, FuzzYspo0N, poeschko, wwwtyro, maximeq and alteredq)
* Completed lots more documentation pages. (sole)
* Started reworking GUI. (mrdoob)
* Improved python build system. (gero3)
* Made VTKLoader parsing more robust. (mrdoob)
* Added recursive flag to Ray. (mrdoob)
* Handling resizes properly in controls and examples. (alteredq)
* Improvements to ColladaLoader. (spacecookies)
* Unflipped V coordinate across the whole library. (mrdoob and alteredq)
* Refactored BufferGeometry. (alteredq)
* Improved GL extensions initialisation in WebGLRenderer. (alteredq)
* Rescued SkinnedMesh. (n3tfr34k and alteredq)
* Made OBJLoader parsing more robust. (Dahie)
* Implemented skinning via floating point textures. (alteredq)
* Improved documentation system. (mrdoob and alteredq)
* Added support for anisotropic texture filtering and standard derivatives in WebGLRenderer. (alteredq)
* Added support for ParticleBasicMaterial without map in CanvasRenderer. (mrdoob)
* SceneLoader now supports nested scene graphs and per object custom properties. (skfcz)
* Camera doesn't need to be added to the scene anymore. (mrdoob)
* Object3D's flipSided and doubleSided properties are now Material's side property. (alteredq and mrdoob)
* Added .clone method to *Material. (gero3, mrdoob and alteredq)
IEWEBGL support. (iewebgl and mrdoob)
* Added CircleGeometry. (hughes)
* Added bumpMap to MeshPhongMaterial. (alteredq)
* Added specularMap to MeshBasicMaterial, MeshLambertMaterial and MeshPhongMaterial. (alteredq)
* Reworked python build system. (mrdoob)

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