2015. július 9., csütörtök

A srác megcsinálta, amiről régebben írtam.

A srác megcsinálta, amiről régebben írtam. VR headsettel csinált magának több monitort, amin kódolhat. Ezt tovább lehet úgy gondolni, hogy pl. egy UbuntuPhone + CardBoard (GearVR) kombinációval, és egy Bluetotth billentyűzettel a jövőben elférhet a zsebedben egy komplett fejlesztő PC 3 nagy monitorral.  


2 megjegyzés:

  1. Nice work Sean McBeth . I can imagine something like this on a phone. With a Cardboard (or GearVR, Vrizzmo googles, etc.) and a wireless Bluetooth keyboard you've got a full featured PC with 3 (or more) monitor. And everything fits in your pocket. It would be really cool. A real solution for phone's small screen problem. A project idea ... ;)

  2. Laszlo Fazekas Thanks! Yes, I agree. I haven't tested it, but there is no reason this wouldn't work on a mobile device with a Bluetooth keyboard. There are WebVR-enabled builds of Chromium and Firefox for Android already, and Primrose currently runs in them, I just haven't verified that Android sends all the right key codes to make it work.

    Things are in flux right now, as I'm struggling through some issues with integrating the Leap Motion as an input device. Also, I haven't written any documentation yet, but it should be no problem to hack together an IDE out of Primrose and--say--a Node.JS backend.

    I should probably just do that tomorrow.
