2013. március 7., csütörtök

Egy nagyon szép megoldás.

Egy nagyon szép megoldás. AngularJS GWT-s controllerrel. Így komplex alkalmazáslogikát fejleszthetünk az app-hoz Java-ban, amit AngularJS-el lehet a HTML elemekhez rendelni egy sor JavaScript nélkül ...

Originally shared by Ray Cromwell

Write AngularJs Controllers and Scopes in GWT? Crazy? Lookie what I did as an experiment with generators + elemental.

public class BodyController extends AngularController {
   public void onInit(BodyScope scope, Element element) {

public interface BodyScope extends Scope {
    String getBlah();
    void setBlah(String s);
    String doSomething();


That's it. The rest is magic. This publishes a window scoped controller function for ng-controller directives to attach to which invokes the onInit() function. BodyScope is an auto-generated type-safe Javascript overlay (extends JsonObject from Elemental) that is created for you and injected into the onInit()   For each getter/setter, it puts a field on $scope, and for every other method, it installs a function on $scope that can be called.  For each type argument you declare in the onInit() argument list, it automatically sets up Controller.$inject for you.  @NgName allows you to override the automatically discovered name of the controller of desired (by default, Class.getSimpleName() )

With super-dev-mode, you can work simultaneously with debugging raw angular JS code and stepping into Java code, all inside of Chrome.

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